The Difference Between Building a Brand and Building a Business

The Difference Between Building a Brand and Building a Business

There are two essential business concepts that appear similar but should be treated separately; your brand and your business. Building a brand will help define your business, while your business strategy will focus on using your brand to make profits. You cannot build a business without first defining your brand. Ultimately, the two concepts should work together to achieve your goals, like two pieces of the same puzzle.

Building a brand vs. a business

The brand is the face of your business, while the "business" is the internal mechanism and processes that lead to profits and growth.planning-his-own-start-up-top-view-of-man-drawing-2021-05-01-16-10-46-utc_optimized

Branding is the art of making people care about your business, connecting with your audience. The brand strategy is about all the intangible elements that you can't put a price on instead of the strategies that go into building a business. 

Building a business is about products and services. It's about assigning tangible goals that an agency can realize with a comprehensive business strategy. 

The brand is about the customer experience, how you want them to feel about your business, and your agency's culture and values; the business is about how the customer experience will convert to profits for your agency.

A brand strategy provides a consistent and solid foundation for your business while a business strategy is dynamic and will scale and grow as your brand attracts and solidifies long-term profitable client relationships. One concept will feed the other.

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